Seth Godin on sliced bread and other marketing delights/ TED TALK

En un mundo con demasiadas opciones y muy poco tiempo, nuestra opción más obvia es justamente ignorar todo lo ordinario. Guru del marketing, emprendedor y blogger Seth Godin nos explica porque cuando se trata de llamar nuestra atención, las ideas malas o grotescas són más efectivas que las aburridas.
Ayer por la noche fui a una charla sobre marketing de guerrilla con unos amigos, la charla en si acabó siendo bastante decepcionante. Mucho más interesante fué la charla que tuvimos más tarde en el bar con algunas copas. En un par de ocasiones, algunas de las ideas de esta TED Talk aparecieron en la conversación y por eso he decidido compartirlas con todos vosotros.

In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru, entrepreneur and blogger Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.
Yesterday night I went to a talk about guerrilla marketing with some friends, the talk itself end up being quite disappointing. A lot more interesting was the talk we had afterwards about similar subjects at the bar with some drinks. A couple of times the ideas from this TED Talk came along, that's why I decided to share it with all of you.

1 Coments:

Dave said... / 2/08/2009 7:05 PM  

Great blog! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful findings and giving your view and criticism on them. I'll have to stop by more often to be able able to watch all the videos. Still haven't got around to watching Mind Game, really feel like watching it after seeing your post.
Felicidades otra vez!
un saludo